torsdag 25 november 2010

Så bra är vi på engelska

Kan inte låta bli. Måste dela med mig av lite recensionsrader från Liverpool Daily Post. Så här skriver de om "Compagnie of Strangers" som spelades på Dada-fest i lördags:

"It was an ethos which stood the group and the audience in excellent stead on Saturday, offering a strange, surreal, thoroughly unique theatre experience full of surprises and unsettling images.

Set in almost perpetual gloom, Compagnie offered a dreamscape of music, dance, shadowplay and mime.

Presented as part of DaDaFest, it loosely follows the journey into the past of an old man who, in a clever play of shadows, is shown rising from his wheelchair and becoming a boy.

It was reminiscent in style of a darker version of Cirque du Soleil.

Scenes flowed from the blackly comic to the disturbing.

A group of stooped and crooning old ladies were revealed to have axes in their handbags and a taste for human flesh, another saw a fight become, thanks to magical sound effects and excellent mime, bloodily gruesome.

The whole of the production was technically very polished.

Set on a bare stage the only props needed were some gauzy sheets – used to create an arresting vision of a woman in a mental hospital – plus two multi-purpose wheeled boxes and a 10ft ballerina puppet.

Visual tricks, such as a row of dumpy babies hatched out of eggs, were laid on by the dozen, drawing delighted gasps from the audience.

Some scenes were played out a little too long once the novelty value was exhausted and the lack of dialogue and deliberate ambiguity meant some sagging momentum towards the end.

But on the whole the 80-minute production – which dispensed with an interval – managed to engage throughout."

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